The kick-off meeting took place on 24-25 May 2018 in Iasi, Romania. During the two days discussions all partners had the opportunity to meet with each other, decide on the upcoming work and clarify tasks under the project. The atmosphere was friendly and cooperative. All partners understood what are their responsibilities and role during the lifetime of the project.
The second transnational meeting of the ONLINE MENTOR project, took place in Sofia- Bulgaria in 8 – 9.10.2018. The agenda of the meeting included: project work plan, finalization of output 1 “Curricula of the blended-learning mentorship and career guidance training course” and Output 2 “ICT materials for the online blended-learning mentorship and career guidance skills training course ”
The 3rd partnership meeting was held on 18th and 19th March 2019 in Ljubljana, Slovenia with hosting organization STEP Institute. Project partners have presented their activities and made an overview of the result already achieved in the project. They have also planned future project activities, especially the guidelines for professional peer coaching and collection of best practices in the field of gender equality.
C1 - In March 2019 a short-term joint staff training event was organised and implemented by STEP Institute, a partner organisation from Slovenia. Training was based on the learning materials created in the scope of intellectual output 3. Participants came from Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovenia and they were professionals from different fields: teachers, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and psychologists.
C2- In May 2019 a blended mobility of young people was organised by lithuanian partner. It was held in Lithuania with 24 participants, young people(18-30 years) who came from Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovenia.
Multiplier event in Klaipeda, Lithuania